Chocolate Chourmas with Callebaut chocolate & natural dates


Many of us know the existence of the date but few of us know its history. The date is the fruit of the palm which travel us to Mesopotamia.


It is one of the sweetest fruits which is rich in nutritional values. It consists the ideal superfood for a day full of energy.


What Happens when the date is mixed with the chocolate in the most frozen version?


The most subversive ice cream flavor is born. This flavor is going to change the habits of chocolate lovers radically.


Fine chocolate Callebaut and whole pieces of date synthesize a new flavor which will help us to explore one more summer season.

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Ενέργεια 855 kJ/ 204 kcal
Λιπαρά 5,3 g
Κορεσμένα 3,4 g
Υδατάνθρακες 35,2 g
Σάκχαρα 31,6 g
Πρωτεΐνες 3,8 g
Αλάτι 0,09 g